Your Strategic Partner for Acquiring Talent
As one of the largest learning development and training providers in North America, our pool of talent is
unmatched. Our experienced team is ready to complement your staff and to add the bench-strength you need
to reach your goals.
Major Healthcare Organization
Many of our customers are facing staffing challenges and have unfilled job roles that are critical to
business objectives.
Is this something your company has experienced? We can augment your staff temporarily or with full-time
positions to fill any immediate skills gaps you might have or to complete a longstanding project that needs
additional resources.
Here’s a recent example:
A major healthcare organization needed to train 900 of their nurse and nurse managers on emotional
intelligence. Due to increased needs during COVID, they could not dedicate internal resources to training.
They needed additional staff to successfully complete this large-scale initiative in a timely manner to meet
compliance goals.
We were able to quickly supplement their staff during the pandemic with a subject matter expert to
facilitate the training and a producer to handle the logistical aspects of the project. Our team presented
forty-three separate virtual, live instructor-led training sessions.
92% of the students reported that the class was a success and 96% reported that they learned new skills that
they would directly apply back to their job.
If you are looking to hire or supplement your staff, United Learning Services offers several ways to
innovate your recruiting efforts. We can quickly help you ramp up your team or staff short-term projects
with our
Talent Acquisition services.
Talent Acquisition